Krisp, AI-powered noise-cancellation app, Krisp Technologies, Inc., Berkeley, California, USA

Krisp - noise cancellation app during calls

Nov 25, 2019

Just imagine that you can mute all background noises and improve sound quality for your next call with only one button. Meet Krisp - world’s first noise-cancellation app with revolutionary AI-powered technology.
Just one click and all the noise is gone. That’s exactly what Krisp does.
This easy-to-use but powerful app recognizes your voice and separates it from background noise, leaving only clean human voice.
Krisp is a noise cancellation software for you and your remote team available on Mac and Windows platforms.
Krisp cancels noise bi-directionally, removing noise going from you to other call participants as well as noise coming from other call participants to you.
Now you can speak and listen without noise while in a call with your friends, clients, business partners or digital nomad fellows at anytime and from anywhere.
Krisp noise cancellation app is great because it works with:

- Any communications app

- Any headsets or headphones

- Any microphones and speakers

Krisp works with your favorite communication app just out of the box. All you have to do is to simply select Krisp Microphone & Speaker from the Audio Settings of the app. And that’s it.

Likewise, you can use Krisp noise cancellation app with any headphones, speakers and microphones of your choice, both wired and wireless.

Most importantly, you don’t need to worry about your privacy. Simply said, what happens on your device stays on your device.

We have designed Krisp with privacy in mind and all of audio processing happens locally on your device. Neither your voice and nor audio never leave the machine.

To make sure everyone benefits from Krisp, we have tailored plans both for individuals and teams.

Krisp is great for all remote workers, digital nomads, podcasters and freelancers. This is your best pick to make an urgent call while traveling, or a business call from a noisy coffeeshop or coworking space.

Krisp also will help boost productivity for remote teams who communicate with customers and have remote conferences on a daily basis.

Start your next call with Krisp. This will help you enhance internal communication between the teams, increase the productivity of the calls as well as the overall customer experience.