Jaquet-Droz automata

Trailer of the DVD "The Jaquet-Droz androids"

Uploaded on Jan 31, 2009

On https://www.automates-boites-musique.com you will find a DVD named "The Jaquet-Droz androids". This documentary tells the story of Pierre Jaquet-Droz a swiss clockmaker who created around 1770-1772 a little mechanical family : a writer, a draftsman and a player of organ:

La Chaud-de-Fonds circa 1760...
A clockmaker's workshop, lost in the Swiss countryside...
Pierre Jaquet-Droz, the renowned Swiss master clockmaker...
A book that travels time...memories that accumulate...
A small mechanical family...
"The Androids Jaquet-Droz", part of the official selection at the 25th International UNESCO Festival of Art and Educational Films....

Between 1770 and 1773, after the disappearance of his young daughter and wife, Pierre Jaquet-Droz, clockmaker by trade builds a "small mechanical family".

A worthy successor to the famous Vaucanson, he created with his son Henry-Louis, and Jean-Frederic Leschot, androids whose size, faces and movements closely imitated real life.

The birth of the automatons writer, draftsman and musician illustrate an important step forward in medical research that led to the fabrication of artificial organs and prosthesis's, resulting in the favorable replacement of missing limbs. Similar to Vaucanson, Jaquet-Droz's goal wasn't merely to entertain but also to educate the public and advance science.

The end of the 18th century a time of "android fever" and it was at this moment that these and other extraordinary creatures were created. Including the famous chess player Baron von Kempelen, the talking head by the Abbey Mical and, later the Maillardet brothers' famous magicians and psychics, were a few of these mechanic curiosities.

This film is an invitation to take a voyage across time, where dreams and reality are firmly intertwined.

Jaquet Droz corporate movie

Uploaded on Dec 5, 2011

The story of Pierre Jaquet Droz and his sons is one of the most moving in the history of Horology. Born in 1721, Pierre Jaquet Droz, master of time in the Age of Enlightenment -- mechanical genius, avant-garde creator of jewellery watchmaking and composer of poetry and dreams -- is one of the most fascinating figures of the period.

After a few years' absence from the world of watchmaking, and an intermediate period marked by the presence of foreign shareholders, the brand was acquired in 2000 by the Swatch Group. It returned to its town of origin, La Chaux-de-Fonds.

Automata by Jaquet-Droz

Uploaded on Feb 19, 2012

Pierre Jaquet-Droz (1721-1790) was a Swiss-born watchmaker of the late eighteenth century. He lived in Paris, London, and Geneva, where he designed and built animated dolls, or automata, to help his firm sell watches and mechanical birds. Constructed by Pierre Jaquet-Droz and his son were The Writer (made of 6000 pieces), The Musician (2500 pieces) and The Draughtsman (2000 pieces). His astonishing mechanisms fascinated the world's most important people: the kings and emperors of Europe, China, India and Japan. Some consider these devices to be the oldest examples of the computer. The Writer has an input device to set tabs that form a programmable memory, 40 cams that represents the read only program, and a quill pen for output.

Jaquet Droz The Writer Automaton From 1774 In Action: Inspired Hugo Movie

Published on Jun 22, 2012

One of three surviving automata from the 18th century built by Jaquet Droz, this is "The Writer" and is the most famous machine. The Writer was the inspiration for the movie Hugo, and still works today. The complex clockwork mechanism brings the "android" to life as it is able to write phrases. Other Jaquet Droz androids from the 18th century could draw and play a piano.

The Musician from Jaquet-Droz

Published on Sep 18, 2012

An exhibition in the International Museum of Watches in Le-Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The Musician is an automated mechanical android built in 1774 by Jaquet-Droz. She plays a real piano once activated.

Automates et Merveilles, Video made by Watchonista

Published on Jul 16, 2012


The idea of an exhibition germinated from the presence of the historic automata constructed by Pierre and Henri-Louis Jaquet-Droz in the collections of the Musee d'art et d'histoire de Neuchatel and the latter's desire to gain more scientific knowledge about these creative geniuses and the world of clockwork automata.
The Musee d'art et d'histoire de Neuchatel, the Musee international d'horlogerie de La Chaux-de-Fonds and the Musee d'horlogerie du Locle-Chateau des Monts came together to present an exhibition on three outstanding masters of 18th-century clockmaking: Pierre Jaquet-Droz, his son Henri-Louis and their colleague Jean-Frederic Leschot.

Originally from the Neuchatel Mountains, the Jaquet-Droz father and son team made a reputation for themselves as brilliant inventors and astute businessmen. They were famous in Europe and world-wide for producing luxury goods characterized by the purity and elegance of their design. Among these remarkable objects were pieces of jewelry with miniaturized mechanisms, musical clockwork automata, such as singing birds, and clocks with automata, including humanoid automata.

To highlight the Jaquet-Droz and Leschot genius, as well as their quest for answers -- something that connects them to today's world -- the three museums decided to share their expertise and collections in order to mount an exhibition enriched by many exceptional pieces on loan from private and public collections. Presented simultaneously at all three institutions and in three languages (French, German and English), this international artistic and technical event will take the visitor from the 18th to the 21st century.

The Charming Bird, the singing bird automaton

Published on Mar 26, 2015

Both contemporary and poetic, The Charming Bird takes the theme of the songbird to form this ultimate tribute to the creativity and historic expertise of the master craftsmen at Jaquet Droz.