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Career spotlight: robotics engineer

Published on Sep 28, 2015

In 7th grade, after reading a newspaper article about female engineers at NASA, Maria Bualat knew that was what she wanted to do when she grew up. Fast forward to today, and now Maria is a robotics engineer at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA where she develops robotics systems for space exploration. Her main project at the moment is Astrobee-- a free flying robot for the International Space Station. It’ll help astronauts in the space station and measure the quality of the air there.

As the deputy group lead for the Intelligent Robotics Group at NASA Ames, she does the high level thinking, and mostly works on project management and systems engineering. This means she sets the goals and direction of the project and coordinates with different teams and engineers to make sure the project is successful.

To get here, she earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, and was hired right out of school. She continued her education and earned a master’s degree also in electrical engineering with an emphasis in controls while simultaneously working at NASA. For students interested in a career in science or engineering, she recommends cultivating good communication and writing skills.

Day in the life: robotics engineer

Published on Mar 9, 2016

Dr. Tessa Lau creates autonomous robots for the service industry. Find out how she is transforming how we interact with robots!

Robotics engineering careers - career options, job duties, institutes, salaries, top recruiters

Published on Apr 6, 2017

Robotic Engineering is a branch of Engineering Science and about technology of robots, their proper designing, making, applications etc with the use of computer for Robot’s Processing and Manipulation.The Robotics Engineering is particularly Related with Electronics, Mechanics and Software.
How to Get Started in Robotics Engineering?
Candidates can pursue diploma, bachelors and master courses in this field. To become a Robotics Engineer, you have to pursue a degree course in this field. Here we have mentioned some courses in this field:
1. Diploma Course (Four years duration)
2. Bachelors Courses (Four years duration)
3. Master Courses (Two years duration):
A few of the specialized fields of Robotics engineering are
• Micro-Robotics
• Automation
• Bio-Cybernetics
• Digital Electronics and Micro-Processors
• Medical Robotics
• Design and Control
• Air Traffic Management Systems
• Artificial Intelligence
Institutes that offer this course are :
• IITs in Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur
• National Institute of Technology
• Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
• Birla Institute of technology and Science, Pilani
• Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Jobs & Salary :
Many modern manufacturing companies hire Robotics Engineers. The Indian Robotics industry is also growing rapidly. You could work in one of the prestigious government owned enterprises like Indian Institute of Robotics, ISRO, DRDO, PARI Robotics
Companies in India hiring Robotic Engineers are: E&Y, Genpact, Capgemini, Symmetrical Global, JP Morgan Chase, Kelly, etc.
Robotic Engineering is one of the most promising and rewarding field. A Robotic engineer's income mostly depends upon their qualifications, experience and organization he chooses to work in.