Lucid Holdings, Inc., Artificial Intelligence, Austin, Texas, USA

Enabling the ethical development of strong AI

Published on Aug 6, 2015

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be humanity's most disruptive technology. But what is the best way to direct the development of AI, so that AI will work alongside humans to solve the intractable problems of our day, and the future - problems which humans alone cannot solve?

At this London Futurists event, Michael Stewart and Kay Firth-Butterfield of Lucid described the goals and activities of the Lucid EAP, as potential best practice for the AI industry to follow.

The Lucid EAP is designed as a cross-cutting multi-disciplinary team of world-class experts. It is chartered to guide the Lucid Board by:
*) Highlighting practical ways in which AI tools can be used to advance humanity
*) Conducting its own research into ethical issues and AI
*) Pursuing links with other organisations which think and advise in this area.