DeKonBot, cleaning and disinfection robot, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, Stuttgart, Germany

Cleaning and disinfection robot «DeKonBot»

Apr 1, 2021

«DeKonBot» is the prototype of a cleaning and disinfection robot for potentially contaminated surfaces in buildings such as door handles, light switches or elevator buttons. While other cleaning robots often spray the cleaning agents over a large area, DeKonBot autonomously identifies the surface to be cleaned. For this purpose, image processing methods as well as a newly developed sensor are used, which is even capable of reliably detecting the position of metallic and reflective objects. DeKonBot carries out a wipe disinfection of the relevant surfaces so that both possible soiling is removed and existing germs are killed. DeKonBot can be used safely among humans. To prepare the robot for its first usage, the operating personnel must teach the robot once. After that, the cleaning robot acts autonomously.

The prototype is the joint result of the IPA departments Robot and Assistive Systems, Laboratory Automation and Biomanufacturing Engineering, and Ultraclean Technology and Micromanufacturing.

The project was funded by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's internal program »Anti-Corona«.

Cleaning and disinfection robot “DeKonBot 2”: Field trial in an office building

Nov 4, 2021

“DeKonBot2” is the second prototype of a cleaning and disinfection robot for potentially contaminated surfaces in buildings such as door handles, light switches or elevator buttons. Enhancements compared to its predecessor relate on the one hand to the robot hardware. DeKonBot 2 uses the low-cost, differential-drive platform X3 from Metralabs and a UR5e manipulator, which provides the necessary flexibility for the individual cleaning movements. Another new element is the brush-based cleaning tool, which allows removing possible contaminations as well as killing existing germs.

One the other hand, also the robot’s control software has been improved significantly. The robot can reliably and precisely detect and localize objects to be cleaned. To prepare the robot for its first usage, the operating personnel have to teach the robot only once. Afterwards, the cleaning robot acts autonomously. DeKonBot 2 can be used safely among humans.

Due to the modular hardware and software structure, the robot’s functionality can be easily extended or adapted to individual requirements. The modularity also allows transferring the developed functionalities to other robots without difficulty.

DeKonBot 2 was developed within the project »MobDi« that is funded by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's internal program »Anti-Corona«.

Expert contact:
Dr. Birgit Graf, Phone: +49 711 970-1910, [email protected]