Roboat, autonomous watercraft

MIT Roboat - Shapeshifting boat robots

Published on Aug 30, 2019

What's new with Roboat? The MIT researchers working on the self-assembling autonomous robot boats have devised an algorithm that manages all the planning involved in getting groups of the aquatic robots to unlatch from each other, avoid any collisions, and then reconnect with other robots in a new type of configuration.

Roboat - 36 months

Sep 9, 2019

Updates from the Roboat project which is the first fleet of autonomous boats. The project is a joint collaboration between MIT Senseable City Lab and AMS

Roboat - waste streams

Jul 17, 2020

Roboat is a 5-year research project and a collaboration between the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In developing the world's first fleet of autonomous floating vessels for the city of Amsterdam, it investigates the potential of autonomous technology to change our cities and their waterways.

Roboat is a new kind of on-demand infrastructure: autonomous platforms will combine together to form floating bridges and stages, collect waste, deliver goods, and transport people, all while sensing the city e.g. for water quality. How can we re-imagine urban infrastructures with cutting-edge technologies?