MEMMO Project, collaborative project in robotics and machine learning, Europe

Memory of Motion: motion learning for real robots with arms and legs

Apr 16, 2020

What if we could generate complex movements for arbitrary robots with arms and legs interacting in a dynamic environment in real-time? Such a technology would certainly revolutionize the motion capabilities of robots and unlock a wide range of very concrete industrial and service applications: robots would be able to react in real-time to any change of the environment or unexpected disturbance during locomotion or manipulation tasks. However, the computation of complex movements for robots with arms and legs in multi-contact scenarios in unstructured environments is not realistically amenable to real-time with current computational capabilities and numerical algorithms.

The project Memmo aims to solve this problem by 1) relying on massive off-line caching of pre-computed optimal motions that are 2) recovered and adapted online to new situations with real-time tractable model predictive control and where 3) all available sensor modalities are exploited for feedback control going beyond the mere state of the robot for more robust behaviors. Memmo will develop a unified yet tractable approach to motion generation for complex robots with arms and legs.

Automated inspection of construction with legged robots

Oct 19, 2022

During Summer 2022 our group demoed ANYmal and Spot carrying out in the context of construction progress monitoring at Costain's Gatwick Airport Train Station site. This was the final demo of the MEMMO Horizon Europe Project.

ANYmal crossed terrain obstacles and steps while Spot autonomously collected images and lidar maps.

Many thanks to Costain for hosting us on site.