Parrot Mambo, minidrone quadcopter, Parrot SA, Paris, France

Parrot MAMBO - official video

Published on Aug 30, 2016

Parrot MAMBO: one drone, two accessories to test your skills!

The Parrot Mambo minidrone is full of surprises! Whether you equip it with the Cannon or the Grabber, it will turn the sky into a surprising playground of adventure. Speed or skill races, acrobatic challenges or tricks... take on any aerial combat. Super robust and easy to handle, it will measure up to all your challenges.

Parrot Mambo: Just like the 'ad' review

Published on Nov 9, 2016

Parrot has a gift for those of you who have lost/never had interest in drones... a drone with a cannon and claw!

Not only have we had a go and tested the new gadget but we've given ourselves the challenge of recreating the official video they provide. Is it possible to pull off those awesome drone tricks?