HAIPICK system, autonomous case-handling robotic (ACR) system, HAI ROBOTICS, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

HAIPICK system - next-gen warehouse automation

Apr 15, 2021

HAIPICK system is the first warehousing autonomous case-handling robotic (ACR) system. With HAIPICK system, customers can realize warehouse automation transformation, significantly improve storage density by 80% - 130%, and increase operational efficiency by 3 - 4 times. The system includes HAIPICK robots and HAIQ software platform. The robots conduct intelligent picking and handling cases, realizing rapid warehouse inbound and outbound. The HAIQ software can be connected to the customer’s warehouse management system; it uses AI algorithms to ensure accurate and efficient execution of tasks. We are committed to providing efficient, intelligent, flexible, and customizable solutions through advanced robotics and AI algorithms, creating value for every factory and warehouse.