
Line Follower Robot

Published on Apr 29, 2013

My first Line Follower Robot
- 2 Mini Motor DC 500 RPM
- L293D Motor Driver
- 2 Cell Battery 1 Ampere
- 8 Photo Dioda sensor (Only 6 in use, because one of them died :'( and one another dissabled to balance)

All body design and Program by Me.

Line Following Robot with obstacle avoidance (Lejos NXT) - IIT G

Published on Apr 30, 2013

The video shows the working demo of Line Following Robot with obstacle avoidance (Lejos NXT) developed by Arif Ali Ap, Zinabu Haile and Prayag Surendran at IIT Guwahati

The robot has to traverse an arena to reach a destination area. The destination lies towards the southern region of the arena. There is a path in the arena which leads to the destination. The path is black in colour over a white surface. This path ends in a red coloured region which is the destination. The trajectory of this path is variable (such as straight, zig-zag, circular etc.). There are obstacles of different shapes and sizes along the path. While traversing, the robot has to avoid any collision with those obstacles and keep following the path. If a yellow coloured strip is found on the path by the robot that would mean there is a junction point ahead wherein two or more paths diverge. The robot has to decide which way to go to reach the destination.

Computer vision line following

Published on Jul 5, 2016

The piece of tape is identified through OpenCV edge detection and line transform algorithms. In the first version, only a small region of the full camera is used to centre the robot on the line - the robots movement is controlled using a proportional control loop at 30hz. In the second version, additional complexity is added by also performing computer vision operations on the entire camera view. The robot determines if there is a turn coming up by looking at the line angles with respect to its orientation and then speeds up or slows down.