Diya One, autonomous mobile air purifier robot, Partnering Robotics, Cergy-Pontoise, France

Innorobo 2015 - Diya One, the neuroinspired air purifier robot

Published on Jul 20, 2015

Ramesh Caussy talks about Diya One, the neuroinspired air purifier robot, targeting the professional environment.

DIYA ONE X : the world 1st well-being robot

Published on Jun 22, 2017

Partnering Robotics introduces Diya One X, the world first and only neuro-inspired robot dedicated to the indoor air quality, energy efficiency and well-being.

Diya One X, a product not a prototype !

DIYA AIR NODE, the new generation of indoor air purifier dedicated to small offices

Published on Jun 5, 2018

Diya Air Node, a new solution developped by Partnering Robotics for indoor air treatment doped with algorithms and artificial intelligence.