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Using robots to reveal secrets of walking baby sea turtles

Published on Apr 23, 2013

A sea turtle-inspired robot has been created by a group of researchers in the US to help understand the mechanics of walking and crawling on complex surfaces.

Dubbed "Flipperbot", the robot has been presented in IOP Publishing's journal Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, and was designed to test how real-life organisms, such as seals, sea turtles and mudskippers, use flippers and fins to move on surfaces such as sand.

"Flipper-driven terrestrial locomotion of a sea turtle-inspired robot"

by Nicole Mazouchova, Paul B Umbanhowar and Daniel I Goldman3
April 23, 2013

Robotic turtle

Oct 8, 2019

The project is for a prosthetic turtles fin but the student made a whole robotic turtle to test the design. It swims under water and a remote control is used on the surface. Usual frequencies do not work and a lower frequency had to be used for a radio link.