Neurala LLC, brain-based solutions for mobile robots, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Neurala and Neuromorphics Lab simulated Mars Rover initial steps in

Published on Sep 26, 2012

Neurala LLC and the CELEST Neuromorphics Lab are jointly working on a Phase I 2011 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program in collaboration with NASA Langley. The joint work will focus on the development of neuromorphic brains for autonomous robots dealing with unknown, potentially hostile environments. The following video shows the simulated Rover taking its initial steps in the simulated Mars virtual environment.

The video below describes an initial testing on the rover, in this case still controlled by the human operator. This initial testing goal is to assess the behavior of the rover on the Mars simulated environment. Further steps will be to increase the resolution of the environment, namely adding more details, such as rocks, and of course hook up the rover to the neuromorphic brain controller.

The Future of Robotics - Max Versace

Published on Dec 14, 2013

Massimiliano Versace, director of the Boston University Neuromorphics Lab and CEO of Neurala, Inc., talks about the future of robotics. He specifically talks about the robot body, brain and mind. These three components are advancing rapidly to form the future of robots.

Neurala demo day presentation - Tech Stars Boston - Spring 2013

Published on May 27, 2013

Neurala demo day presentation - Tech Stars Boston - Spring 2013 - Max Versace, Neurala co-founder & CEO

Roboscope Aliens vs. Superheros

Published on Oct 14, 2015

The aliens plan to use Neurala Roboscope to defeat the world's superheros. But the plan gets thwarted. See Neurala Roboscope for the Parrot Jumping MiniDrones in action.