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World's first 5G mobile 'device'

Published on Dec 1, 2014

What will 5G look like and what will it be capable of delivering?
BBC Click's Dan Simmons takes a look at the world's first 5G mobile device and examines how it has the potential to change our lives.

What is 5G | Mobile Technology | Radio-Electronics.com

Published on Mar 27, 2015

Check out this summary of 5G mobile technology: what is it, how does it work, what are the enabling technologies - informed comment from industry leaders.

Elza Erkip | From Shannon to 5G

Published on Dec 12, 2016

Shannon Centennial Lecture Series
Elza Erkip received the Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and the B.S. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Turkey. She joined Polytechnic Institute of NYU in Spring 2000, where she is now an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She spent 1996-1999 at Rice University, and 2007-2008 academic year at Princeton University. Her general research interests are in wireless communications, information theory and communication theory.

Everything you need to know about 5G

Published on Feb 6, 2017

Millimeter waves, massive MIMO, full duplex, beamforming, and small cells are just a few of the technologies that could enable ultrafast 5G networks.

Today’s mobile users want faster data speeds and more reliable service. The next generation of wireless networks—5G—promises to deliver that, and much more. With 5G, users should be able to download a high-definition film in under a second (a task that could take 10 minutes on 4G LTE). And wireless engineers say these networks will boost the development of other new technologies, too, such as autonomous vehicles, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things.

If all goes well, telecommunications companies hope to debut the first commercial 5G networks in the early 2020s. Right now, though, 5G is still in the planning stages, and companies and industry groups are working together to figure out exactly what it will be. But they all agree on one matter: As the number of mobile users and their demand for data rises, 5G must handle far more traffic at much higher speeds than the base stations that make up today’s cellular networks.

"Everything You Need to Know About 5G"
Millimeter waves, massive MIMO, full duplex, beamforming, and small cells are just a few of the technologies that could enable ultrafast 5G networks

by Amy Nordrum, Kristen Clark and IEEE Spectrum Staff
January 27, 2017

CES 2017 SuperSession: Stoked About 5G

Published on Feb 24, 2017

Learn about their intentions to capitalize on 5G, the network that reacts faster than the human brain, and how it can serve millions more people using less energy.

5G: When, where and how you can get your hands on it

Published on Mar 2, 2017

The most over-hyped tech ever, or an era-defining innovation?

* Correction: Sony Xperia XZ Premium rather than Z5

Opinion is divided on 5G at MWC 2017, with super-fast phones hinting at 5G speeds despite the big telecoms operators insisting that 5G networks are still years away.

What, exactly, is 5G for? Why do we need it? How will we use it? And how is it going to improve our lives? As usual with new tech, 5G is part-sales pitch, part-revelation, and part-stab in the dark. The Olympics will play a huge part; when Pyongchang 2018 and Tokyo 2020 roll around, the world will see what 5G looks like as super-fast Wi-Fi hits trains, and even enables real-time AR and VR streaming. Eventually it will super-charge home broadband and enable real-time 8K video calling apps. The connected world is about to get super-charged.

See what the self-driving car 'sees' with 5G

Published on Mar 2, 2017

Augmented reality lets visitors to the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show watch Intel’s demonstration of an autonomous car “seeing” the world around it via a 5G network.

Human communication, a niche use case in 5G

Streamed live on Mar 7, 2017

The fifth generation mobile communications network (5G) is not your “traditional telecom network” but optimized for connected and intelligent machines, having distributed cloud capacity and supporting devices ranging from gigabits per second to multi-year battery life. Software, connectivity and digitalization are reshaping both industries and society at an ever increasing rate and 5G is a strong catalyst. This keynote will explore this development, including how products and services are revolutionized and how many of today’s value chains are being overthrown.

VTTechTalks: 5G overview and potential for Finland

Published on Jun 16, 2017

Dr Tauno Vähä-Heikkilä from VTT will present a 5G overview and prospect on the related potential in Finland.

Satellite for 5G

Published on Jun 21, 2017

Interview with Magali Vassiere, Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications on ESA's partnership with industry to develop and demonstrate the added value that satellite brings in the context of 5G. Paris Air and Space Show, 21 June 2017.

Mobile innovation: how 5G will enable the future

Published on Feb 27, 2018

The panel discusses innovations to be enabled by a successful global roll-out of 5G networks, such as self-driving vehicles, breakthroughs in health care, smart cities, AR/VR applications for commercial and consumer use and content and entertainment.