Self-assembling origami robots

Robot Origami: Robot self-folds, walks, and completes tasks

Published on Jun 11, 2015

A team of MIT researchers have developed a printable origami robot that folds itself up from a flat sheet of plastic when heated and measures about a centimeter from front to back.

Weighing only a third of a gram, the robot can swim, climb an incline, traverse rough terrain, and carry a load twice its weight.

Origami robot swims, walks and dissolves

Published on Jun 12, 2015

Watch it self-fold, walk, and even swim. A tiny robot made of plastic can be "controlled" by an external magnetic field

Ingestible origami robot

Published on May 12, 2016

Researchers at MIT, the University of Sheffield, and the Tokyo Institute of Technology have demonstrated a tiny origami robot that can unfold itself from a swallowed capsule and, steered by external magnetic fields, crawl across the stomach wall to remove a swallowed button battery or patch a wound.

"Ingestible origami robot"
Robot unfolds from ingestible capsule, removes button battery stuck to wall of simulated stomach.

by Larry Hardesty
May 12, 2016

Stomach trouble? Try swallowing a robot

Published on Jul 18, 2016

A tiny, ingestible robot could be a new tool for healing serious stomach wounds. Researchers call it an “origami robot” because the accordion-shaped gadget is folded and frozen into an ice capsule, then unfolds after being swallowed. (July 19)