Robot::Sub1, record - 0.887, Munich, Germany

World record: First robot to solve a Rubik's Cube in under 1 second (0.887 s)

Published on Feb 4, 2016

On 23-Jan-2016 the robot "Sub1" solved a Rubik's Cube in 0.887 s at the Cubikon store in Munich, Germany.

Prior to the world record attempt a WCA-conform modified speed cube was scrambled with a computer generated random array and positioned in the robot. Once the start button was hit two webcam shutters were moved away. Thereafter a laptop took two pictures, each picture showing three sides of the cube. Then the laptop identified all colors of the cube and calculated a solution with Tomas Rokicki's extremely fast implementation of Herbert Kociemba's Two-Phase-Algorithm. The solution was handed over to an Arduino-compatible microcontroller board that orchestrated the 20 moves of six high performance steppers. Only 887 milliseconds after the start button had been hit Sub1 broke a historic barrier and finished the last move in new world record time.

Needing several hundreds of working hours to construct, build, program and tune Sub1, it is the first robot that can independently inspect and solve a Rubik's Cube in under 1 second.

The world record has been approved by Guinness World Records on 18-Feb-2016.

Please subscribe to my channel for future updates, releases or record attempts!

Sub1 nerd: Albert Beer
Video: Zoltan von Koever & Lena Tusche
Music: Gunnar Olsen - The End is Near

World record in original and 1/5 speed

Published on Feb 11, 2016

This is the full length world record in original and 1/5 speed.

Following the WCA regulations with white=U and green=F the solution found by Sub1 was F2R2U2F1D2L2F1L2F2L1B1R3L1D1U1L3F1B1D2R2*. The solution has a length of 20 moves consisting of 11 quarter turns (QT) and 9 half turns (HT). Three times Sub1 was able to move opposite faces at the same time (R3L1, D1U1, F1B1). Reversing the solution leads to the scramble R2D2B3F3L1U3D3L3R1B3L3F2L2F3L2D2F3U2R2F2*.

The camera filmed at 25 frames per second, i.e. one frame each 40 ms. As the steppers need only 38 ms for a QT and 55 ms for a HT some moves might be "invisible". Anyway you can compare the unsolved cube in the video with the scramble, check that above solution sequence is a valid solve for the unsolved cube and that the intermediate states of the cube in the video match the intermediate states of the solution.

Rubik's Cube robot Sub1 - Meet the record breakers Europe

Published on Jul 6, 2018

German engineer Albert Beer has continued to work on his Sub1 robot since achieving the record for the Fastest robot to solve a Rubik's Cube back in January 2016