WingtraOne, hybrid drone, Wingtra, Zurich, Switzerland


Published on Mar 13, 2016

Wingtra is a fast-growing spin-off from the Autonomous Systems Lab at ETH Zurich, developing aerial robots for civil applications. While conventional quadcopters are limited in range and speed, fixed wing airplanes need catapults and runways.

Wingtra’s hybrid drone combines the advantages of both worlds. It is as agile as multicopters and has the superior flight capability of a fixed-wing aircraft regarding range and speed. It opens new possibilities in improving wildlife protection, agriculture, filming, parcel delivery, and many other applications.

Launching WingtraOne PPK

Published on Feb 27, 2018

Meet the WingtraOne - the safest and most accurate drone for mapping & surveying. Now available with ultra-high precision option - PPK (Post Process Kinematics).

Start taking better decisions based on accurate aerial data with the WingtraOne!

Wingtra develops, produces and commercializes VTOL drones that carry the best in class sensors for survey-grade aerial data collection. The technologically superior VTOL drone is used by mapping professionals in application that range from surveying and mining to wildlife monitoring.

Wingtra was founded in 2016 as a spin-off from Prof. Dr. Roland Siegwart’s Autonomous Systems Lab, at ETH Zurich in Switzerland.