VolcanoBot 1, volcano-diving robot, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA

2014 Expedition Granted Finalist: Inside A Volcano

Published on Sep 16, 2014

Let's map a volcanic conduit system with a wall-climbing robot. It's never been done before, but it's not impossible.

Vote for Dr. Carolyn Parcheta, along with her teammates, Aaron Parness, Nick Wiltsie, Catherine Pavlov and Kalind Carpenter, at ExpeditionGranted.com. One winner will be selected by your votes to receive $50,000 to fund their dream expedition!

B-roll: VolcanoBot Explores Volcanic Fissure
January 14, 2015

B-roll for media: Researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory took a robot called “VolcanoBot 1” to a fissure at the active Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii in May 2014.

B-roll: VolcanoBot Explores Volcanic Fissure
September 30, 2015

B-roll for media: Researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory took a robot called “VolcanoBot 1” to a fissure at the active Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii in March 2015.