Kinetic art, Ian Ingram

The Woodiest (2010)

Published on Mar 14, 2015

A hermaphroditic robotic system that detects the territorial drumming of a Pileated Woodpecker and responds with its male sub-system by drumming to declare its own territory, its female sub-system then suggesting via the drum-tap signal that this is also a good place to excavate a nest hole. The robot then plays both parts of the drum-tapping mating ritual of the Pileated Woodpecker, perhaps the act closest to human copulation in its bond forming as coitus is so fleeting in woodpeckers.

Ian Ingram || Lizardless Legs

Published on Mar 28, 2016

Using a double-stacked version of the pushup gesture of the Western Fence Lizard, the robot, Lizardless Legs, declares this fallen branch its territory.

Lizard Licks Lizardless Legs

Published on Mar 28, 2016

Gently licking one's opponent: a classic taunt in a lizard vs. robot showdown. Lizardless Legs does nothing in response.

Ian Ingram || Doctor Maggotty is Anxious about The End (2015)

Published on Jul 20, 2016

Robotic priest for Eurasian Magpies that uses the beak-wiping gesture to relay messages to those around: to magpies that it is very well-fed yet nervous; to humans that know Morse code that it is in a state of constant mourning. Magpies themselves conduct funerals when one of their number dies. Humans do the same. Here, it is in a tree on the island of Amager outside of Copenhagen.