Unmanned port security vessel, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii

University of Hawaii robotic vessel helps in times of disaster
October 17, 2013

An unmanned port security vessel developed by University of Hawaii may soon be in harbors and ports all over the world providing daily security and surveillance, along with life saving inspections after natural disasters or terrorist attacks.
Read the full story at the University of Hawaii news site at

Article "Robotic vessel helps in times of disaster"

October 17, 2013

Unmanned Port Security Vessel (UPSV) Waypoint Control
April 16, 2013

Here we are testing waypoint feedback control on the unmanned surface vehicle. This was the culmination of an undergraduate robotic control course taken by ME students at the University of Hawaii.
Notice the small white buoys at the surface. These are the waypoints that the vehicle is navigating towards. The video starts as the vehicle moves to the first waypoint and then to waypoint #2 and finally to waypoint #3.