Research PatrolBot, robotic platform, Omron Adept MobileRobots, Amherst, NH, New Hampshire , USA

ARNL Mobile Robot Autonomous Navigation with PatrolBot for Robotics Research, R&D, and Education

Published on May 3, 2013

This video quickly shows how a mobile robot from Adept MobileRobots moves using the ARNL autonomous navigation and localization software package. This autonomous behavior can be integrated into your own project and customized to choose goals and perform tasks during motion or when goal points are reached according to the design of your own application.

The localization component of ARNL maintains an accurate position coordinate for the center of the robot in the space as the robot moves, even if the wheels slip (e.g. going over the bump).

ARNL software is available with most platforms from MobileRobots, this video shows the PatrolBot. It is using a laser rangefinder (LIDAR) to sense obstacles as it drives. All autonomous behavior is self contained in the robot. Also shown is the MobileEyes remote user interface for visualization and configuration.

Introducing Rocky, a 'Rosie' robot in the making!

Published on Jul 2, 2019

A peek behind the scenes of the making of Rocky, the underdog robot. A robot butler and mobile manipulator competing in the 2019 RoboCup @Home League challenge (2-8 July) in Sydney.