
NASA @60 The role of the robots

Published on Sep 7, 2018

Original air date: Thursday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. PT (10 p.m. ET, 0200 UTC)

As NASA celebrates its 60th anniversary, this panel discussion will look back over the decades at how far our robotic exploration has come, and consider where we might be headed.

Much has changed about the way we explore space in the 60 years since NASA began operations on Oct. 1, 1958. Today’s robotic spacecraft are beginning to experiment with laser communications, artificial intelligence and 3-D printed parts. But some of the first spacecraft the U.S. sent to the Moon included parts made of wood; some used to record data on motorized magnetic tape recorders.

Despite all the advances, one thing hasn’t changed: we still rely on robotic spacecraft to extend our senses above and beyond Earth and to blaze a trail as precursors for human explorers.

Rob Manning
Julie Webster
Charles Norton
Anne Marinan

Preston Dyches, JPL Public Outreach Specialist

The potential and problems of spaceship A.I. - Offworld episode 16

Published on Mar 18, 2019

How realistic are pop culture depictions of artificial intelligence on board spaceships? From Star Trek to 2001: A Space Odyssey, we discuss the potential of spaceship A.I. to assist astronauts, along with what research is being done on board the ISS to incorporate digital assistants.

ONLINE Lockheed Martin Robotics Seminar, March 12, 2021: Joshua Vander Hook

Mar 25, 2021

ONLINE Lockheed Martin Robotics Seminar: AI for Spacecraft at NASA JPL

Joshua Vander Hook
Computer Scientist, NIAC Fellow, and Technical Group Supervisor

Josh will present an overview of the AI Group(s) at JPL, and recent work on single and multi-agent autonomous systems supporting space exploration, Earth science, NASA technology development, and national defense programs.