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Flite Test - Tricopter - REVIEW

Uploaded on May 13, 2011

Flite Test - Tricopter - REVIEW

In this episode the Joshes are joined by David Windestal to introduce you to the world of multi-rotor craft. These aircraft are quickly growing in popularity in part for their odd looks, ease of flying, and abilities as a camera/FPV platform. David shows us the basics of his tricopter, while touching briefly on the topic of quadcopters. Josh Scott experiences a little tricopter envy, until he breaks out "his" craft. The show concludes with an FPV ride on David's tricopter, and a crash assessment. Tune in to see what damage was caused.

Cheerson CX-33 Drone - Fun, 25 mins flight time, 720 video [Review]

Published on Jan 19, 2016

The Cheerson CX-33 drone features a clever new 6 rotor design, which flies surprisingly well. It is stable outdoors as well as indoors, despite the lack of on-board GPS, and is agile where it counts.

When flown carefully it should deliver up to 25 mins flight time, although under constant full power this will drop to around 15 mins, from the 450mAh battery. The video quality is decent in good sunlight, and the FPV feature of the model we tested worked well, with little lag.

Conclusion: A great little lightweight (152gms) starter drone for anyone wanting to try out the new hobby without taking too much of a risk. It's robust enough to fly outdoors, but do be careful when using the auto landing button, since the lower propellers can send it into a flip. All in all a fun craft.

Price (as tested): $102.99.

APM tricopter

Published on Aug 20, 2016

This is a video of my first tricopter. Previusly I have only built quadcopters. My tricopter is controlled by the Ardupilot (APM 2.6) system. The video shows some flying in stabilize and loiter mode, and finally a return to launch with landing. I built this tricopter mainly because I was curious about how a tricopter feels to fly.

The Spinning Drone Paradox

Jul 20, 2022

Generally speaking, if your drone starts spinning incredibly fast, you have a serious problem. But here’s the twist: (ba-dum-tsss) with the right design, spinning actually provides a substantial increase in hovering efficiency due to some clever exploitation of the laws of physics.

FREE print files and parts list to build your own: hackaday.io/project/186410-the-cyclone-rotor-drone
Autonomous Ekranoplan with Altitude Hold: youtube.com/watch?v=uaY2G5Kbj_g

There are plenty of spinning VTOL drones that are inspired by the maple seed. This type of drone has always caught my interest because the complexity of controlling it as it spins always seemed to outweigh whatever benefits it provided, if any. So, I decided it was time to figure out what makes these unique spinning VTOL drones so attractive by building my own that is able to spin with wings, or just fly around like a regular tricopter. As long as you don’t mind your payload spinning, and needing to implement a custom control method (coming soon…?) to intuitively direct it around, a spinning rotor drone is substantially more efficient at hovering than a regular multirotor drone. In the next video, we’ll take it to the next level by exploring fast forward flight with this unique drone design. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!