Existential Risk Observatory, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Existential Risks of AI - Debate with Stuart Russell at Pakhuis de Zwijger

Apr 14, 2023

This is the recording of the debate 'Existential Risks of Artificial Intelligence', organized by the Existential Risk Observatory at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

We were honoured to have prof. Stuart Russell as the keynote speaker. Next to prof. Russell, our great panelists included:

Queeny Rajkowski (MP for the VVD)
Lammert van Raan (MP for the PvdD)
Mark Brakel (Director of Policy, Future of Life Institute)
Nandi Robijns (AI Consultant at MinBZK)
Tim Bakker (AI PhD at UvA)

The introduction is by our director Otto Barten and our moderator is Maarten Gehem. Artwork is by Anna Husfeldt

What is Existential Risk from Artificial Intelligence? - Pakhuis de Zwijger Special - 10-07-2023

Jul 20, 2023

What is existential risk from AI, and what do we do about it?

The development of AI has been incredible fast over the last decade. We seem to be able to keep up less and less, while the abilities of AI will soon outpace us. What do we need to do to make sure that AI will not become an existential risks? What is the latest on this, and what are decision-makers willing to do? And what is their responsibility to do something about it?