Flippy, kitchen robot, Miso Robotics, Pasadena, California, USA

Robots have officially taken over... Flipping our burgers

Published on Mar 28, 2018

Meet Flippy, the burger cooking robot! Kim breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

"Looking like a large arm swathed in a chef jacket and mounted on a cart, it comes with a spatula at one end. Using thermal imaging and cameras, Flippy can tell when a burger needs to be flipped and taken off the heat. Flippy can also switch out dirty spatulas for clean ones, and can even scrape the grill. According to local news outlet KTLA, artificial intelligence is a part of its programming, meaning that Flippy has the potential to get better at its job over time."

"Flippy, the Burger-Flipping Robot, Is Now Gainfully Employed"
The more burgers it makes, the smarter it gets.

by Anne Ewbank
March 5, 2018

Are robot chefs the future of food?

Nov 25, 2020

Are robot chefs the future of food? We chat with Buck Jordan, the cofounder of Miso Robotics, which makes Flippy … the robot that cooks.

We talk about the future of robots in restaurant kitchens, whether this is killing jobs or not, what's available now and what's coming next. We also chat about home kitchens: whether we'll get robots to cook all our food in our homes ... and when that might be affordable.

All my TechFirst videos are recorded live, warts and all. In this one I tried to share a video of the robot actually working ... and it failed. Apologies!