SAW, Single-Actuator Wave, bioinspired robot, Bio-Inspired and Medical Robotics Lab, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel

Single actuator Earthworm and Inchworm robots

Published on Feb 18, 2013

The worm robots presented here have a single motor which coordinates the motion of the cells and clamps. They are some of the fastest inchworm robots (the big inchworm can reach 5cm/s over horizontal surface) and likely the most efficient in terms of energy consumption. The inchworm robot can climb vertically hundreds of meters using 4 AAA off the shelf batteries
The robots were developed at the Medical Robots Lab. Technion, by David Zarrouk, Oshri Ifergan, Yossi Baruch and Moshe Shoham.
For technical details see Zarrouk et al. ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2012.

"Speedy Inchworm Robot Only Needs One Motor"

by Evan Ackerman
March 4, 2013

Crawling, swimming and climbing with a 3D printed wave producing robot (SAW)

Published on Jul 20, 2016

SAW (single actuator wave-like robot) is the first robot that produces a pure wave-like motion with a single motor. The robot was developed for medical, industrial and search and rescue purposes. The design is simple, 3D printed and the passive wheels are for steering only. In the movie we show that the robot can crawl over different surfaces, climb and swim. It reached a maximum speed of 57 cm/s which is 5 times faster than any other similar robot. The robot's design is simply and highly reliable very little maintenance was needed.
The robot was developed at the Bioinspired and medical Robotics lab at BGU by David Zarrouk, Moshe Mann, Nir Dgani, Ilanit Waxman, Tal Yehuda, Nissan Jerbi and Amotz Hess.

"Single-Actuator Wave Robot Zips Around with High Speed Wiggles"

by Evan Ackerman
July 25, 2016

Miniature SAW robot presented at ICRA 2019

Jul 5, 2020

In this video and paper, we present the modeling of the robot and experiments crawling over different synthetic surfaces.
Locomotion dynamics of a miniature wave-like robot, modeling and experiments, by Lee-Hee Drori and David Zarrouk

Smallest version of the SAW robot swimming and crawling

Aug 27, 2023

This is our smallest swimming crawling version (SAW design). It is 6 cm long!
The wave motion is actuated by a single motor.
We attached floats as the motor and battery were too heavy.

Developed at the Bioinspired and Medical Robotics Lab
at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev
by Rotem Katz, Omer Guetta, Dan Shachaf, and David Zarrouk.