Shadow Hand, Shadow Robot Company LTD., London, United Kingdom

Teleoperation development platform

Published on Dec 7, 2015

Bimanual dexterous teleoperation platform showing Dexterous Hand, motion capture systems and robot arms working together

The Shadow Smart Grasping System

Published on Nov 3, 2016

Our new Smart Grasping System, launched at #Innovate2016. It’s able to see objects and therefore select the correct grasp for each particular object.

Shadow Robot Dexterous Hand rotating a globe

Published on Dec 8, 2016

Our renowned Dexterous Hand rotating a spherical object, in this case, a plastic globe :)

Not only is the hand truly dexterous, each finger is able to to perform independent abduction and adduction motion (which means that the fingers can move from side to side as well as back and forth), an innovation that eludes most robotic hands!

Shadow Dexterous Hand with a wrench

Published on Oct 19, 2017

Could this be system be in a factory of the future? Watch our dexterous hand pick up and manipulate a wrench, before using it on a bolt.

AI-operated robot hand taught itself to manipulate objects like a human

Published on Aug 2, 2018

OpenAI, an Elon Musk-backed AI research company, developed a robotic hand that is able to teach itself how to manipulate objects with a human-like dexterity.

Shadow Dexterous Hand for robotics researchers - Available for purchase

Jan 11, 2022

If you want to be at the cutting-edge of your research field and publish impactful research papers, you need the most cutting-edge hardware. Our technology is unique (we own the relevant IP), unrivalled and a must-have tool for those in robotics research.

How researchers are using Shadow Robot's technology

Jun 1, 2022

If you want to be at the cutting-edge of your research field and publish impactful research papers, you need the most cutting-edge hardware. Our technology is unique (we own the relevant IP), unrivalled and a must-have tool for those in robotics research.

Latest from Shadow Robot: Shadow Glove for dexterous manipulation

Jul 14, 2022

Shadow has merged our Shadow Dextrous Hand with our lightweight Shadow glove to give you the newest solution for dextrous manipulation and grasping.