Virtual reality, merged reality, Project Alloy, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California, USA

Intel introduces merged reality

Published on Aug 16, 2016

Intel is pushing the boundaries of compute innovation to accelerate the creation of truly immersive experiences with virtual reality. At the 2016 Intel Developer Forum, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich introduced the concept of merged reality, a new way of experiencing physical and virtual interactions and environments across VR/AR/Mixed Realities through a suite of next generation sensing, digitizing and computing technologies.

Intel’s Project Alloy headset mixes reality with fiction

Published on Nov 19, 2016

Chipmaker Intel has created a reference design for a new kind of VR headset, one that lets you see real, physical objects floating around in a virtual world.

Intel's project Alloy makes your living room a war zone

Published on Jan 9, 2017

Intel's Project Alloy merges your real world with virtual reality to make any room into a personalized videogame play space.