Cryo and Robojelly, Biomimetic Jellyfish Robotic, Virginia Tech College, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, US

Virginia Tech: autonomous robotic jellyfish
March 28, 2013

Virginia Tech College of Engineering researchers have unveiled a life-like, autonomous robotic jellyfish the size and weight of a grown man, 5 foot 7 inches in length and weighing 170 pounds, as part of a U.S. Navy-funded project.

The prototype robot, nicknamed Cyro, is a larger model of a robotic jellyfish the same team – headed by Shashank Priya of Blacksburg, Va., and professor of mechanical engineering at Virginia Tech – unveiled in 2012. The earlier robot, dubbed RoboJelly, is roughly the size of a man’s hand, and typical of jellyfish found along beaches.

WCAI: Dr. Jack Costello on Jellyfish
April 6, 2014

Jellyfish are poetry in motion. Dr. Jack Costello tells us a little about these amazing creatures. It's tempting to think of jellyfish as motionless blobs, floating passively with the currents. Would you believe jellyfish are actually the most energy efficient swimmers in the ocean?

To hear our interview with Dr. Costello on Jellyfish and Robotics visit:

Dr. Jack Costello, professor of biology at Providence College and a Whitman visiting investigator at MBL.

Living Lab Radio Videos are Produced by, Jenny Junker and Alecia Orsini. The Executive Producer is Dr. Heather Goldstone

Major support for the Living Lab is provided by the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment. Additional support is provided by Michael and Roxanne Zak, and by the Delacour Family Foundation and the Kendeda Fund.