Modular soft robotic gripper, Distributed Robotics Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

A modular soft robotic gripper

Published on Sep 30, 2015

This work was done in the Distributed Robotics Laboratory at MIT with support from The Boeing Company and the National Science Foundation, grant numbers NSF IIS1226883, and NSF CCF1138967. We are grateful for this support.

From the paper "Haptic Identification of Objects Using a Soft Robotic Gripper"

by Bianca S. Homberg, Robert K. Katzschmann, Mehmet R. Dogar, and Daniela Rus
published in the proceedings of IROS 2015.
September 28 - October 2, 2015

Article "Soft robotic hand can pick up and identify a wide array of objects"
Team from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab develops silicone rubber gripper and advanced object-identification algorithms.

by Adam Conner-Simons
September 30, 2015