RoboScratch, development environment, EZ-Robot Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Published on Jan 25, 2016

RoboScratch introduces a new approach to learning to program robots without even using the keyboard! Blocks of "functions" are dragged into your work space. Specify parameters of each element, such as wait for the camera to see an object, wait for speech, or execute a dance routine.

How Is It Different?
What really makes RoboScratch different from other "scratch-like" interfaces is that RoboScratch actually generates real usable code with friendly comments. The initiative of scratch-like development environments should be meant to teach programming, not limited to only learning scratch. This RoboScratch approach provides users the ability to quickly learn from the graphical environment by viewing the auto-generated code. The purpose of RoboScratch is to teach you how to program. Think of RoboScratch as training wheels for programming!