SailBOT - Virginia Tech
June 4, 2014

A team of Virginia Tech engineering students will race in the 8th annual SailBot 2014 International Robotic Sailing Regatta, a competition dedicated to building unmanned, autonomous miniature sailboats able to operate with limited to no human control.

The Virginia Tech SailBOT team includes roughly 40 students from across the College of Engineering, including the departments of aerospace and ocean engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering and science mechanics, and electrical and computer engineering.

The regalia tasks competitors with a traditional sailing race, station keeping, navigational accuracy, and the overall craft presentation. Among the event rules: Craft can be no longer than 2 meters.

The sailboat –black, 6.5 foot in length and lightweight, with a white sail atop –- project started in spring 2013 with an interest meeting, the brainchild of the Virginia Tech Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers student organization. The group wanted a surface ship team for ocean engineering students to balance the underwater Human Powered Submarine team, a long-time staple of the Ware Lab, said team commodore Thomas Shea III of Crofton, Maryland.