Robot::Quad-Cub3r - 37.61 seconds, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Quad-Cub3r at LEGO World 2016

Published on Feb 24, 2016

Quad-Cub3r is a robot built from LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 and a smartphone that can solve the 4x4x4 Rubik's-style cube faster than any other robot.

Most of the video footage was taken at LEGO World 2016 in Copenhagen. Many thanks to the LEGO MINDSTORMS team for inviting me and also to everyone else involved for making this an aw3some event!

The current official Guinness World record for the "Fastest robot to solve the 4x4x4 cube" is held by one of Quad-Cub3r's predecessors, MultiCuber 3, with a time of 1 minute 18.68 seconds.