Welcome to the 2030s (Future Timeline Events 2030-2039)

Published on Jul 5, 2012

The following video intends to show some of the major events to happen in the second next decade, by year (2030-2039)

The Next Great Era: Envisioning A Robot Society: Robin Hanson at TEDxTallinn

Published on Aug 29, 2013

Robin Hanson is a Professor of Economics at the George Mason University in the US and a researcher at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University. He is an expert on prediction markets and the social implications of future technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence and nano-technology and their influence on the economy and society. Politically he supports futarchy -- a society where policy decisions are made based on open prediction markets.

Robin has a diverse background: he has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in physics but a PhD in social sciences. Robin has researched the artificial intelligence and Bayesian statistics at NASA and developed a prediction market predicting the political stability, economic growth and military activity of foreign countries for the US Department of Defense. Robin's ideas often cause controversial reactions and he wishes to find ways to more effectively decentralize the government's tasks.

Connecting the mind to the Internet

Published on Dec 2, 2013

There will be no barrier between your thoughts and the world that you see.