Brain Builder SDK, deep learning software, Neurala LLC, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Neurala SDK learn and recognize

Published on Sep 6, 2016

Neurala Brains for Bots software can be taught multiple objects or scenes (e.g., ‘this is a parking lot,’ ‘this is a building,’ ‘this is a tree’) in real-time and the user can name the object. In the demonstration, we show Brains for Bots running on a commonly available Android tablet remembering several common objects at the booth

Neurala Brains for Bots software can be taught multiple objects or scenes (e.g., ‘this is a parking lot,’ ‘this is a building,’ ‘this is a tree’) in real-time and the user can name the object. In the demonstration, we show Brains for Bots running on a commonly available Android tablet remembering several common objects placed on the table. We created several categories, such as cup and drone. As each object is recognized, the display shows a tag with the name, confidence level and the color green for high confidence for that object.

This software is ideal for low-powered devices running Linux, iOS and Android. It can be used by a drone to search for objects. Use cases include inspections and security.

Neurala SDK find and follow

Published on Sep 6, 2016

Using Neurala Brains for Bots SDK software, a device can be taught by the user to instantly remember an object or person. The system remembers the selection and tracks it as it moves. The on-screen display shows that the visible bounding box moves when the selected object or the drone moves.

Brains for Bots software is ideal for use when a drone or other device is operated with a connected Linux, iOS, or Android device. Alternatively, the software can run on an embedded processor. A user can spot a person or object in a scene and instantly select it on the connected device. Depending on the processing power available and the speed of the connection, the drone can use this information to create left/right, up/down and forward/back motor commands.

Neurala SDK find and recognize

Published on Sep 6, 2016

Neurala Brains for Bots SDK software can be pre-trained to recognize multiple complex types of objects (“classes”) in real-time. Even new items, which have never been seen before, can be properly classified. The demonstration showed pre-training for a range of objects, such as people, other drones, cars, and bicycles. The software can also be easily updated with new knowledge about new or updated objects.

This software is ideal for use with on-board processing, such as the NVIDIA Jetson TX-1 platform. A drone can instantly identify people or other objects and react quickly to what it sees. Applications include real-time inspections, news gathering (e.g., to follow a subject), and real-time security (e.g., to identify a potential intruder, such as a car, vehicle, or animal).

Neurala Brains for Bots SDK

Published on Sep 6, 2016

Neurala's Deep Learning and Cross Platform Brains for Bots SDK includes everything a developer needs to turn a device into an intelligent machine.

With Real time autonomous operation and object recognition capabilities, the device will be able to learn, recognize, find and follow.

Brain Builder

Aug 31, 2018

Brain Builder Beta speeds up AI data preparation with an easy-to-use platform to manage and annotate training data. The tool was created for users with little to no experience creating AI solutions.