iBeat, heart monitoring smartwatch, iBeat, San Francisco, California, USA

iBeat is a heart monitoring smartwatch that can save your life

Published on Sep 19, 2016

The iBeat Life Monitor is a breakthrough smartwatch that perpetually monitors and analyzes users’ 24-7 heart activity. In the case of a life-threatening emergency, iBeat will instantly alert the user, their loved ones, and emergency responders in real-time, helping ensure immediate care delivery and potentially saving the user’s life.

iBeat prototype

Published on Sep 29, 2016

iBeat's Head of Product, Brian Boarini, shares how the iBeat Life Monitor works. This version of the iBeat Life Monitor is simply a prototype, and will be refined in the coming months.

iBeat Indiegogo campaign video

Uploaded on Sep 30, 2016

Ryan Howard, Founder and CEO of iBeat, shares more about the iBeat Life Monitor - the heart monitoring smartwatch that can save your life.