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Thread: VX1, 3D volumetric display, Voxon Photonics, Adelaide, Australia

  1. #1

    VX1, 3D volumetric display, Voxon Photonics, Adelaide, Australia

  2. #2

    The world's first 3D Volumetric Display - Voxiebox VX1

    Feb 7, 2017

    Imagine a world... where science fiction, meets reality

    Voxiebox is the world’s first 3D holographic display. Our technology is unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

    Voxiebox projects 3D moving imagery that can be viewed with the naked eye from any angle.

    No illusions. No special glasses.

    At Voxon Photonics, we aren’t just taking graphic display to another level, we’re launching it into a whole new dimension.

  3. #3

    More than a hologram: Star Wars-inspired tech you can buy right now

    Oct 25, 2019

    The VX1 from Voxon Photonics is a volumetric display inspired by the game of holochess (aka dejarik) aboard the Millennium Falcon, as featured in Star Wars: Episode IV and The Force Awakens. This technology works as a 3D printer for light, creating images that can be viewed in 3D from any angle, without the need for special glasses.

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