Torc self-driving car, TORC Robotics, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Torc self driving car summer compilation video

Published on Sep 29, 2017

Torc's self-driving car team had a busy summer as we improved capabilities, expanded testing environments, and completed a successful cross-country trip totaling 4300+ autonomous miles.

In all scenes within this video, the car is driving completely autonomously. Highlights include:
- Stop sign and traffic light detection
- Autonomous driving in rain and traffic
- Autonomous lane changes and merging
- Newly released footage of the autonomous cross-country trip, a trip which spanned 20 states.

Torc Robotics Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary of the DARPA Urban Challenge

Published on Nov 3, 2017

As self-driving cars push the transportation revolution, we reflect back on the competition that started it all. Today, on the 10-year anniversary of the DARPA Urban Challenge, Torc has grown its original team, gained a decade of experience, and continues to push its tech farther to make the impossible possible.

Torc CEO Michael Fleming and Program Manager Jesse Hurdus recall Victor Tango's 3rd place win in the DARPA Urban Challenge, an event that brought together a winning team of engineers that have celebrated 10 years of growth in the autonomous vehicle industry. They tell the story of their autonomous car, Odin, navigating a challenging 60-mile course without a driver, and elaborate on Torc's growth in the past ten years.

"Being some of the early players in the self driving space that just have this passion to commercialize this's our life's work." - Michael Fleming

Here's to ten years of creating the impossible.

Torc self-driving car - City demo

Published on Jan 3, 2018

The Torc self-driving car demos an autonomous route around the city of Las Vegas. Watch it tackle complex driving scenarios, perform pedestrian and traffic light detection, and navigate city traffic in this route demonstration.

Asimov self-driving car: building a better driver

Published on Mar 8, 2018

Project Asimov is a Level 4 autonomous car developed by Torc Robotics. It has proven performance in challenging driving situations from bustling city streets to traffic-packed highways. The Torc team developed Asimov to be the best driver on the road, as we continue working toward our goal of creating consumer-ready solutions to revolutionize transportation

Torc Robotics has a 10+ year history in developing driverless technology for the automotive, defense, and construction industries. Asimov features Torc’s proven technology, our complete software stack, and a dedicated team of engineers that go all the way back to the DARPA Urban Challenge.

Torc self-driving car navigates in the snow

Published on Mar 21, 2018

The Torc self-driving car, Asimov, navigates the beautiful snow-covered town of Blacksburg, Virginia.

We encounter snow plow trucks, pedestrians, and bicyclists on the road and safely maneuver through these complex traffic scenarios while navigating snow-covered roads. The snow sometimes reduces visibility or lane lines, but our system overcomes these obstacles to allow for a smooth drive in the winter weather.

Asimov self-driving car navigates snow-covered traffic circle at night

Published on May 7, 2018

The Torc self-driving car not only conquered daytime driving in the snow, it also traveled on a variety of routes at night during one of the biggest snowfalls of the winter. In this clip, Asimov navigates autonomously around a traffic circle at night. Our team uses multiple methods in perception and navigation to allow the system to know where lane lines are on the road, even though the markings are covered in a blanket of snow. This allows Asimov to perform the necessary lane changes to stay on its planned route through the circle.