NAO, autonomous, programmable mini humanoid robot, Aldebaran SAS, Paris, France

Techfest 2013 Humanoid NAO NextGen
May 11, 2013

NAO Next Gen : the new robot of Aldebaran Robotics

Uploaded on Dec 9, 2011

NAO Next Gen: Aldebaran Robotics launches a new generation of its humanoid robot

Aldebaran Robotics, the world leader in humanoid robotics, has released its latest version of the NAO robot — NAO Next Gen. The power of NAO Next Gen, the new fully programmable humanoid robot that has the most extensive worldwide use, is opening up new perspectives and fields of application for its users.

NAO Robot Writer - NAO Robot is able to write !

Published on Apr 14, 2013

NAO Robot writes any word you ask, and spells the word as he writes it down.
This app uses automatic speech recognition and inverse kinematics.
Although NAO Robot is not meant to write, he can do it! NAO Robot can do so many things. It's an amazing platform !

NAO humanoid climbing a full spiral staircase autonomously

Published on Jul 23, 2012

This video shows our laser-equipped Nao humanoid climbing a spiral
staircase. Details will be presented in the paper "Improved Proposals for Highly Accurate Localization Using Range and Vision Data" by
Stefan Oswald, Armin Hornung, and Maren Bennewitz at the IROS 2012 conference.

The robot integrates observations from the laser range
scanner on top of its head with observations from the camera located
in its lower head. By consistently matching the known staircase model
to a set of images acquired on each step, the robot is able to accurately
locate itself towards the stairs and to climb them reliably.

Nao Robot at TEDxNijmegen 2013

Published on Apr 8, 2013

NAO: very moving

Three small robots on stage. White with blue, red and black. They look like shy little, well, robots.
And they move.
They dance.

They actually dance better than I do. (OK, not much of a feat, but still.)

They can play soccer (they have their own Robot Football World Cup), and have been seen doing standup comedy.

These machines, called NAO, are made by Aldebaran robotics in Paris. In theory, they could give many dancers a run for their money (well, me at least) but that's not what they are made for, because they can do much more than dance. They can talk, listen and understand people. They interact. So apart from amusing people, they can help us. For instance in helping autistic children. They have problems interacting with people and though therapists can help them there, they themselves interact with the kids. Humans are complicated. Way too much stimuli. NAO can be programmed to be predictable. They are simplified humans. They are repetitive and give autistic children structure. Just what autistic kids need. Kids usually love them.

Adults then? Soon there will be many more elderly people than we can take care of. Our government would like people to take care of their friends, family and neighbours, but what if they can't? And who takes care of the people who give care when they need it? NAO can help. They can read and write mail, switch the TV on, turn on lights, lift things, connect to every device in the house. You can talk to them and they can talk back.

But...wait...robots are a bit scary, right? Even though these ones look kind of lovable. And small. Child size. And they interact. They're like company. Which is more than what you can say about staff in hospitals and homes for elderly people, where time pressure and staff shortage are an ever-growing problem. So we need robots now -- robots who adapt to us, instead of the other way around. They can assist us where assistance is needed. There will always be doctors. But nurse NAO could be a much welcome nurse-assistant.

Plus, they could give me dancing lessons.

NAO Robot Akinator Game - The robot genius

Published on Jun 11, 2013

NAO Akinator is the porting of 'Akinator the Web Genius' from the web to NAO Robot, which uses Elokence technology.

NAO Akinator (in french, "le genie du web") can determine which character you're thinking of by asking you a series of questions.

Akinator is amazing and this version on NAO Robot extends the user experience, which makes NAO smarter, and fun to play with!

NAO Robot application created by Franck Calzada - NAO Developer Program Member

Aldebaran inside: how we shape the world

Published on Jun 18, 2013

An insight of Aldebaran's culture and universe through the voice of its team members.

This trailer will be followed by a series of portraits of Aldebaran's people talking about their jobs, their passion, their values, in short: about their lives at Aldebaran.

NAO Robot video projector - streams images & movies

Published on Jan 23, 2014

NAO Robot streams images and movies from a pico projector connected to his head.
With this feature, NAO Robot has an additionnal output channel (visual) on the top of the voice and gestures.

NAO was able to listen, to understand and to speak; Which is great. But now, he can illustrate it.

Humanoid robots as future companions create privacy challenges

Published on Mar 3, 2014

NAO is a nearly two-foot tall humanoid robot made by Paris-based Aldebaran Robotics currently used for research, but destined for the consumer market. While companion robots are seen as easing the lives of humans, they also raise privacy concerns.

NAO Robot for Research

Published on Jun 5, 2014

In the video, researchers and students from Tokyo University describe their researches and the experience of working with their NAOs

NAO robot drives its own autonomous vehicle

Published on Sep 8, 2014

Bring your craziest ideas to life, send your robot to do things for you, connect him to the internet and share his adventures with the world, create robot-apps and publish them.
here's no limit to what you can do with that.
The car is controlled by the NAO, a Laser Range Finder under the car will help you avoid obstacles, and implement SLAM algorithms for learning and mapping of the environment around the robot.