EZ-Robot Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada


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EZ-Robot Mini Documentary

Published on Jul 23, 2013

This short documentary interviews DJ Sures, founder of EZ-Robot. He explains how they are setting the pace for consumer robotics. "Everyone has their own vision of what the future holds for robotics and EZ-Robot is making their vision a reality", says DJ. Their innovative product turns anyone into a roboticist. The product is used by customers in over 100 countries!

DJ promises that EZ-Robots are built for good, and not evil. "Terminator was a neat movie... I'm an optimist and believe people will use my product for good."

EZ-Robot Revolution Intro

Published on Jan 9, 2014

Until now, robotics have been complicated. With Roboticist DJ Sures at the helm, EZ-Robot is the first company to successfully make robots easy to build and integrate into your life. Revolution is the unification of robotics!

Imagine how great the world would be if everyone had the power to innovate...

EZ-Robot at StartUp Calgary Launch Party 2013

Published on Jan 31, 2014

A short summary from EZ-Robot's DJ Sures at the Calgary StartUp Launch Party 201. EZ-Robot brought home two awards...
- Best Consumer StartUp
- People's Choice

Object Recognition

Published on Mar 2, 2014

Object Recognition and Vision Associative Memory demo on the EZ:1 robot. The EZ:1 robot is the robotic development platform for the forthcoming EZ:2 robot series that will be commercially available

USA Science & Engineering Festival 2014

Published on Apr 25, 2014

EZ-Robot demo booth at the festival. The three robots were exploring their game grid and interacting with objects. Children were encouraged to control and interact with the robots through various demos including vision object tracking, color tracking, vision object training, artificial intelligence and many more!

EZ-Robot Revolution

Published on May 25, 2014

Until now, robotics have been complicated. With Roboticist DJ Sures at the helm, EZ-Robot is the first company to successfully make robots easy to build and integrate into your life. Revolution is the unification of robotics!

Imagine how great the world would be if everyone had the power to innovate...

Robot Education through Inspiration

Published on 19 Jun, 2014

3D Printing, Servo Motors, Vision Tracking, Artificial Intelligence and Programming? Robotics should be easy! After all, it is the future technology of the younger generation. This inspired EZ-Robot Inc. to create Revolution... A fun and educational product that empowers children, adults and companies to build impressive robots with features inspired from science fiction.

Snake Robot - Playing with EZ-Robot Revolution

Published on Jul 1, 2014

DJ Sures filmed a short iPhone video of a snake robot he quickly clipped together with EZ-Bits from EZ-Robot Revolution. He also used the RGB Block for colorful eyes!

EZ-Robot Revolution... Build. Play. Learn.

Published on Jul 11, 2014

It's time to think of robotics in a whole new way. The future of owning a personal robot is here! For education, inventing, problem solving or having fun with your personalized robot companion. Experience the future, today! :)

ezrobot Halloween Spooktacular Winners, 2014!

Published on Nov 6, 2014

Here it is Boys and ghouls, the winners of the 2014 ezrobot Costume Spooktacular!.

Which robot will reign supreme?