"Big Boom", animation comedy short film, Brian Watson, 2018, USA

CGI 3D Animated Short: "BIG BOOM" - by Brian Watson

Aug 16, 2018

TheCGBros Presents "BIG BOOM" - A film that explores the questions of existence through the eye of a lonely service robot. It was definitely inspired by things like Wall-E and Fallout 4, however Big Boom has it"s own unique voice as well. Perhaps a bit bleaker than it"s influences (or optimistic depending on how you interpret the ending).

Lucky Drifter Productions

Brian Watson - Writer, Director, Editor, Composer, 3D Artist
Dante White Aliano as Jimbo, Bob, Chuzz, Mr. Dumpotron, Bugsy
Madeline Wager as A.D.A.

It was completed almost entirely within UE4, with some fine-tuning in Premiere. A small team of 6 people was in the production. With the exception of the voice acting and some of the natural elements, Brian Watson was responsible for the entire production