RoLand, strawberry picking robotic system, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Saarbruecken, Bremen, Berlin, Germany

RoLand - Strawberry Picking Robotic System in Agriculture

Jan 17, 2024

This is SHIVAA the #strawberry picking #robot of #DFKI Robotics Innovation Center. The #system is being developed in the RoLand (Robotic Systems in #Agriculture) project, coordinated by the #RoboticsInnovationCenter (RIC) of the DFKI Bremen. Within the project we design and develop a semi-autonomous, mobile system that is capable of harvesting strawberries independent of human interaction.
While #robotic systems are currently used mainly in greenhouses, the target scenario of the proposed project is the open field. The strawberries are #detected and #classified by a #multispectralcamera system. #AI based #algorithms are used to distinguish ripe from unripe strawberries and to lead the robot through the strawberry field.

HAW Hamburg – FTZ Smart Systems Othmerding Maschinenbau GmbH & Co.KG Erdbeerhof Glantz (assoziierter Partner)

BMEL - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture