
RH4D Hand competing at Hurocup (Robot Olympics) 2015

Published on May 17, 2016

The RH4D Ares hand carrying a heavy weight (for a robot of course) at Hurocup 2015 (the Robot Olympics).

Built with reliability and robustness in mind, in a compact form factor, the RH4D features 60N.cm actuators and a magnetic finger detachment system that protects the fingers in the event of falls.

In this video, the RH4D is on a Robotis Darwin OP2. With a modular design and versatile protocol and interface options the RH4D is compatible with a wide range of Robots.

Autonomous weight lifting trials

Published on Aug 18, 2016

Timmy's weight lifting training was started recently. Aside from the lack of grippers or custom hands for grasping the weight he's autonomously approaching the bar, detecting its position, performing a pickup action, loading a new gait configuration and holding his arms upright while carrying extra weight. This is all performed using ROS, OpenCV, and parts of the HR-OS5 and Darwin frameworks.