BiLBIQ: A Biologically Inspired Robot with Walking and Rolling Locomotion, Ralf Simon King

Quadruped with walking and rolling locomotion

Published on Apr 30, 2012

Update 14.01.2013:
Thank you all for the unexpected positive feedback relating to my work.
If you are seriously interested in knowing more about it or building the robot I recommend you to read my newly released book "BiLBIQ: A Biologically Inspired Robot with Walking and Rolling Locomotion", Ralf Simon King, 2013
which is based on my Master's Thesis. (For building the robot only I suggest to take a closer look at the chapter "Biomimetically Inspired Robot Prototype"). Please comprehend that I cannot support you with this for free since it?s under contract with Springer. For a kind email though, I can support you with the CAD-data and programming-code!


Following the robot to track its movements.

BiLBIQ 02 - Bi-Locomotional Biomimetically Inspired Quadruped.
Presentation version of different locomotions. First switching from
walking locomotion to the rolling locomotion, then changing
position and rolling again, finishing with the walking gait.

Final robot prototype with a new leg design developed for my Master-Thesis:
"Biomimetic inspired Robot Design with Walking and Rolling locomotion"
05. Dec. 2011 - 05. Apr. 2012

The Master-Thesis 'Biomimetic inspired Robot Design with Walking and Rolling locomotion' deals with implementing a locomotion behavior observed in the biological archetype Cebrennus villosus to a robot prototype whose structural design needs to be developed.

The biological sample is investigated as far as possible and compared to other evolutional solutions within the framework of nature's inventions. Current achievements in robotics are examined and evaluated for their relation and relevance to the robot prototype in question. An overview of what is state of the art in actuation ensures the choice of the hardware available and most suitable for this thesis. Through a constant consideration of the achievement of two fundamentally different ways of locomotion with one and the same structure, a robot design is developed and constructed taking hardware constraints into account. The development of a special leg structure that needs to resemble and replace body elements of the biological archetype is a special challenge to be dealt with. Programming is a basic necessity to judge the performance of the robot. Finally a robot prototype was achieved, which is able to walk and roll - inspired by the spider Cebrennus villosus. Yet the necessity of implementing sensors to the structure becomes obvious and is a matter of further research and development.