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Thread: Balance Robots by Mohammad Mashagh

  1. #1

    Balance Robots by Mohammad Mashagh

    Ball Balance Robot (derived by stepping motors and omni-directional wheels)
    September 1, 2013

    this balance robot hear uses a simplified kalman filter to fuse accelerometer and gyroscope data. then a digital state-feedback controller calculates proper speed of each motor (stepping motors) to keep the robot in balance and to move it as required.
    the robot uses stepping motors instead of dc-geared motors so the mathematical model of conventional balance-robots is not valid hear. that's because the output torque of a stepping motor is not easily controllable as in dc motors. on the other hand the rotational speed or shaft position is precisely controllable in stepping motors.

  2. #2

    Balance robot
    August 25, 2013

    This balance robot that i've built uses two stepping motors as drive system. the main control algorithm is some sort of full-state feedback which was tuned experimentally ( deriving mathematical model for a balance robot that uses stepping motors is not straight forward...)
    It cane move over slopes and carry unbalanced loads (center of mass dislocation)
    The IMU's functionality is based on MPU6050 and a simple version of Kalman filter (executable on an ordinary microcontroller)

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