Robo-One, robot competition category of bipedal humanoid robots, Japan

ROBO-ONE 22 - Championship Match

Published on Mar 5, 2013

The final match for the championship featured two teams from Shibaura Institute of Technology, Justia and Koruteju-Miharusu.

ROBO-ONE 22: Garoo Flyover

Published on Feb 24, 2013

As a multiple winner of the ROBO-ONE championships, Garoo is an excellent example of the extremes that robot builders will go to excel at the sport.

The robots frame and mechanical parts have been pared down to the absolute minimum because weight is a critical factor. They try to pack as much power and performance into the robot as possible while staying within the weight restrictions.

Although they take meticulous care of the robot, you can see from some of the scratches and wear, especially around the knees, how much damage it takes during the matches.

Garoo's electronics and servos are from Kondo Robotics. I'm sure that the company really values their experience and feedback to incorporate into new products.

Since they use the top-of-the-line parts, designing a robot like this isn't cheap. A single high-performance servo can cost several hundred dollars, and the most competitive robots use from 15 to 20 or more servos. You really have to be committed and passionate to play at this level.

One of the robots most effective battle tactics is to reach out and grab opponents by their ankles and quickly tip them over. The plastic shields around the robots ankles appear to be guarding against the same thing happening to it.

Being able to maintain balance and stability yet still being able to move extremely rapidly is a big challenge. The soles of Garoo's feet are as long and wide as the rules allow, and include narrow contact strips on the bottom.

The gripper design is particularly interesting because it utilizes two servos. That doubles the cost over a single servo design, but also doubles the power and speed. That makes perfect sense if you're 100% committed to winning.

Technically Garoo and Chrome Kid are essentially the same robot design. The big difference between the two is in the fighting spirit and tactics of the operators.

ROBO-ONE 21: Championship Match

Published on Sep 5, 2012

Garoo faces off against Cortejyu Miharusu in the final match for the ROBO-ONE 21 Championship. Garoo is the defending champion and the crowd favorite.

ROBO-ONE 19 - Final Match

Uploaded on Oct 9, 2011

The final match at ROBO-ONE 19 featured Garoo vs. Hammerhead, two champion class robots with skilled operators. The match was really a cliff hanger, as you can see from the video.

ROBO-ONE 24 - Championship Match - Obelisk vs. Leghorn

Published on Mar 6, 2014

The final match for the 24th ROBO-ONE humanoid robot championship between Obelisk and Leghorn. Also included is a special surprise appearance by RoboCop.

ROBO-ONE Robot Practice Break

Published on Apr 20, 2015

The primary ROBO-ONE competitions, ROBO-ONE and ROBO-ONE Light, are held every six months, usually in February and September. At least one set of competitions is held in Tokyo with the other set occasionally being held in an “away” location.

Currently, the ROBO-ONE Light event, consisting primarily of entry level robot builders using humanoid robot kit configurations typically from one of the event sponsors, is held on a Saturday. To keep the action going, and to process the large number of competitors, the round time and downs are reduced compared to the regular ROBO-ONE event.

Saturday afternoon, after the ROBO-ONE Light matches wrap up, the ROBO-ONE entrants have to compete in a 9 meter dash race with the fastest robots qualifying to return on Sunday and battle each other for the championship. It’s not unusual to have 150 or more robots attempting the dash, though there are only 48 slots available including some competitors that are already seeded by winning one of the regional competitions.

That means that on Saturday, the halls and hallways are jam packed with robot builders from both events. Whenever there’s a break in the action for more than just a few minutes, builders rush to try out their robots in the actual competition ring. Of course, they have tested their robots at home, or at local events. But the actual ring conditions can vary quite a bit. The ring floor may be more slippery, or it may have a slight tilt or seam. It’s important that they log as much time as possible under actual event conditions in order to practice and sort out unexpected problems before they go into combat.

ROBO-ONE Light-Unique Configuration Pushes The Rules

Published on Apr 21, 2015

ROBO-ONE was originally conceived as “Humanoid Robot Entertainment” with the unstated goal of stimulating a whole generation of Japanese, and international, developers to get involved in the humanoid robot movement. Everyone knew it would be impossible to replicate the performance of Honda’s ASIMO robot on a hobbyist budget, but it would be fun to see how far they could push the envelope in that direction.

In the beginning, when the number of competitors was less than two dozen, it was easy to keep everyone on the same page, and of course there was some unstated social group pressure to conform. But, with the top prizes worth several thousand dollars, and the glory of winning the world’s top humanoid robot competition, some of the builders got creative and pushed the limited rule set a bit.

Over time, with each new unique quasi-humanoid design that popped up, the organising committee would tweet the ROBO-ONE rules to make sure that the focus on humanoids was never abandoned.

Now, more than a decade later, the vast majority of ROBO-ONE competitors follow the basic design guidelines developed by the first competitors like Koichi Yoshimura, lead designer for the Kondo KHR-1 first humanoid robot kit.

However, there are always some robot builders that see an opportunity to stretch the rules a bit. Just because a robot has to look and act like a humanoid when it enters the ring, there’s no rule that says it has to keep that shape once the referee shouts “Fight!”

No doubt there will be another revision to the rulebook before the next competition six months from now. And, also without a doubt, there will be another robot designer that will have figured out a way to take advantage of the new rules.

Autonomous Biped Fighting Tournament "ROBO-ONE auto" Champion! [Robovie-Z] [Vstone]

Sep 17, 2021

ROBO-ONE auto was the first-ever robot fighting tournament to feature fully autonomous bipedal robots that are held by the Biped Robot Association of Japan (BPA).
This year (2020), the competition was held remotely to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.

Our robot (Robovie-Z) was the champion of the "MISUMI presents 7th ROBO-ONE auto" tournament held on 19th September 2020.