Husky, all-terrain mobile robot, Clearpath Robotics Inc., unmanned vehicle robotics, Kitchener, Southern Ontario, Canada

Husky A200 with Velodyne HDL-32E at Ivey Le
December 29, 2014

This is the Mining Systems Laboratory's ( Husky robot equipped with several sensors, including a Voldyne HDL-32E LiDAR, scanning a rock face near Ivey Lea, Ontario, Canada. Although the video isn't particularly exciting, it represents a first step in some of our new robotic geotechnical research.


Published on Jun 12, 2015

Our friends at Thalmic Labs let us use a beta version of the Myo Gesture Control arm band. Naturally, we used it to move our Husky around. Check it out!

University of Coimbra's minesweeping Husky

Published on Sep 8, 2015

University of Coimbra, located in Portugal, was awarded a Clearpath Husky Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) in 2012 as part of Clearpath's Partnerbot Grand Program. The team has achieved leaps and bounds through their research to determine better methods of detecting and removing landmines in war-torn countries.

Husky UGV integration with UR5 arm & 3-finger gripper

Published on May 11, 2016

Just one of our latest Husky integrations with a Universal Robots UR5 arm and Robotiq 3-finger gripper


Published on Jul 6, 2016

Charles River Analytics and their teammate, 5D Robotics, are developing an intuitive soldier-machine interface for controlling robotic leader-follower systems in small team operations. The Multi-modal Interface for Natural Operator Teaming with Autonomous Robots, or MINOTAUR, fuses multiple proven leader-tracking and robot control technologies to provide a reliable, hands-free interface for Warfighters operating in challenging environments.

They chose the Husky UGV as the mobile plaform for testing MINOTAUR in the field.

Husky UGV - mobile robotic platform

Published on Jul 25, 2016

Husky Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) is a mobile robotic platform built for rough, all-terrain environments. Unlike other robotic platforms, Husky is durable and can easily incorporate a variety of payloads including sensors, manipulators and additional customization.

Husky UGV - farming applications

Published on Oct 31, 2016

Husky is a medium sized robotic development platform with a large payload capacity and power systems accommodate an extensive variety of payloads, customized to meet research needs. Stereo cameras, LIDAR, GPS, IMUs, manipulators and more can be added to the UGV by our integration experts. The Husky’s rugged construction and high-torque drivetrain can take your research where no other robot can go. Husky is fully supported in ROS with community driven Open Source code and examples.

Husky UGV unboxing and getting started

Published on Apr 9, 2019

Unboxing and getting started with a Husky UGV mobile robot with Dave Niewinski, Software Engineer at Clearpath Robotics. Stay tuned for more episodes!