Printrbot on Wikipedia

Founder - Brook Drumm


Printrbot, 3D printer

With the closing of Printrbot, Ubis Technology offered to help support the PB customer. We are doing this by continuing to manufacture Ubis hot ends and sell them direct to customers. We are setting up a web store to address their needs. Our initial main focus is hot ends and nozzles. We will try to carry many other items that users request as well as we have resources to add them. Printrboards will be included in that list. We are also looking at other solutions to the Simple Pro cloud being shut down. There are possibly three options we are evaluating for users to enable their Simple Pros to print again. We will have more on this in the furture. The major change for us will be shifting from a few large volume customers to now include individual customer needs. Please bear with us as we make this shift. Getting the web store operational right now is what we are focused on.