
Eighth Annual Conference: Robotics on the Battlefield: The Coming Swarm

Published on Jun 20, 2014

20YY Warfare Initiative Project Director Paul Scharre delivers a presentation on autonomous technologies and unmanned systems at CNAS #39; Eighth Annual National Security Conference.

The Future of Weapons: Advanced Warfighting Experiment

Published on Sep 4, 2014

The United States Marine Corps Warfighting Lab conducted an Advanced Warfighting Experiment as part of the Rim of the Pacific Exercise July 9 - 14, 2014. As threats to America's global interests evolve and manifest in new ways, the Marine Corps will step out smartly to assess its own methodologies, composition and equipment requirements to ensure effectiveness in a rapidly changing environment. The AWE is part of the Marine Corps' commitment to rebalance and posture itself for future security environments around the world.
Video by Kyle OIson

Real Tracking and Shooting Portal Turret

Published on May 9, 2012

This is the final project for my Advanced Mechatronics class at Penn State University. The robot is the skeleton of a turret from the game Portal that uses an IP webcam to track a target and fire nerf bullets at them. This is the current state of the robot as of 5/9/12, but I am currently molding a shell for the frame to make it look like the Portal turret, along with improving my code to make the tracking faster. All programming is done with MATLAB and Arduino. Enjoy!

Robot warriors: technology and the regulation of war | Professor Noam Lubell | TEDxUniversityofEssex

Published on Nov 5, 2014

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. War hasn’t gone away, but the way we fight has been fundamentally transformed by technological developments.

The legal regulation of war accepts that we will be unlikely to rid the world of conflict, and revolves around the balancing of military necessity and the principle of humanity.

It’s not always a case of military needs coming at the expense of protections – it’s also possible that new technologies might offer advantages in the protection of civilians and more generally minimising the destructive nature of war.

Noam Lubell is a Professor in the School of Law at the University of Essex. He has taught courses on international human rights law and the laws of armed conflict in a number of academic institutions, including the University of Essex, the National University of Ireland, the University of Oxford, the Geneva Academy, and as a Visiting Professor at Case Western Reserve University in the United States. Professor Lubell holds the Swiss Chair of International Humanitarian Law, at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, and is the Rapporteur of the International Law Association's Committee on the Use of Force.

In addition to his academic work, during the last fifteen years Professor Lubell has worked for various organisations including human rights NGOs dealing with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, as Outreach Coordinator, International Law Advisor, and Director of a Prisoners and Detainees Project. From 2007-2011 he was a member of the Executive Committee of Amnesty International (Ireland). He has taught, researched and published on a variety of topics in the fields of international human rights law and the law of armed conflict. His recent book is Extraterritorial Force Against Non-state Actors (Oxford University Press).

Division of unmanned aircraft ARMY SOS conducts aerial reconnaissance in Donetsk airport, Ukraine
January 15, 2015

Published on Jan 16, 2015

New robots as Marksmanship Targets
May 1, 2014

A new type of target is being evaluated by Army leadership that will make training more realistic than ever. Melissa Bell gives us a look at what the future of Army training could include.

Predator UAV Assembly and missions

Published on Apr 17, 2014

Since 2008 the US Air Force has more than tripled the number of its active-duty pilots flying Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) - including MQ-1 Predator, MQ-9 Reaper and RQ-4 Global Hawk, as well as a number of operational types that are still secretive 'black' programs. Due to the increase in demand, and introduction of more capable platforms carrying multiple payloads, RPA pilots have had a significant increase in workload, and insufficient training, a report by the US Government Accountability Office determined.

Read more at:
"GAO tells Air Force: Improve Service Conditions for Drone Pilots"

April 17, 2014

Growing UAVs through chemistry

Published on Jul 3, 2016

During this century, scientists and engineers from BAE Systems and The University of Glasgow envisage that small Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) bespoke to military operations, could be 'grown' in large-scale labs through chemistry, speeding up