
Sex with Robots

Published on May 19, 2014

A new survey has found that one in five people in the U.K would be willing to have sex with a robot.

46% of those surveyed admitting that they'd either get under the covers with a sex robot or not judge those who choose to. This isn't a uniquely U.K. trend, though: Sex between live humans has been steadily sloping downwards in numerous countries around the world, including Japan, where nearly half of women aged 16-24 are "not interested in or despise sexual contact."

Would you have sex with a robot? Comment below and share!

Robot Sex - Are people really having sex with robots?

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2008

From Frankenstein to Weird Science, from Blade Runner to Battlestar Galactica, humans have long been fascinated with the possibility of emotional relationships with their technological creations. But is robot sex around the corner? Well, David Levy, a British artificial intelligence researcher says the reality may not be that far off.

In his book, Love and Sex with Robots, Levy predicts that within a few decades, robots will be so humanlike in appearance, functionality, and expression that people will start falling in love, having sex, and even marrying them. And, they wont all be made of cold hard steel.

Researchers at Tufts University have launched a multidisciplinary initiative focused on the science and engineering of a new class of robots that are completely soft-bodied. Not for sex, they hope the devices will help make advances in areas such as medicine and space exploration.

In the meantime, Micheal Harriman, a German aircraft mechanic claims to have created the world's most sophisticated robot sex dolls. The lifelike sex androids even have 'hearts' that beat harder during sex.

Taking things even further, Gizmodo recently interviewed a 33 year old man from Georgia who claims to have married his robot girlfriend, Alice.

Love is blind and, apparently, rechargeable.

Loving a Sex Robot: Insanity or reality?

Uploaded on Feb 4, 2012

A perfect partner who's always happy and never complains, is apparently now a reality. But there's a catch - he or she is likely be made of plastic. From simple dolls to sophisticated robots, they seem to be winning the hearts and minds of people who've given up on finding true love. Gayane Chichakyan has more from the world of the synthetic spouse.

Japanese Sex Doll Industry Reaches New Levels

Published on Aug 15, 2014

The Japanese sex doll industry is reaching new levels with the release of a new line of dolls, which claims to be more genuine than ever. The dolls, which are made of rubber and silicon, were described in a video as having realistic feeling skin and authentic looking eyes and hair. We look at video of the synthetic partners, in this Lip News clip with Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel.

Sex Robots Of The Future

Published on Dec 29, 2014

Sex robots may very soon be part of normal life for many people. A pretty cool and equally creepy depiction of what a futuristic female ‘sex robot’ might look like on the inside was recently created by a French artist.

Watch the video for a clip of an even creepier stripper robot dancing.

Robotic Sex Slaves: Will AI Robots Have Consciousness, Rights, Souls?

Published on Nov 28, 2014

The biggest questions about robotics and artificial intelligence are moral questions. Bill Whittle, Glenn Reynolds, Dave Swindle & Scott Ott take them on.

Published on Feb 12, 2014

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and love is all around us. In the future, will humans and robots fall in love with each other and develop romantic relationships? It's a popular theme in science fiction, but some experts believe this could become a reality within our lifetime. Why are human-robot relationships so inevitable, and what are the consequences? What kind of gift would you get a robot on Valentine's Day?

What is the most romantic, geeky gesture you have ever made to someone to let them know how you feel? Share your story in the comments below!

Robot sex pioneers - CONAN on TBS

Published on Aug 13, 2015

Scientists predict sex with robots will be common in 50 years. Here's to the brave men who paved the way to this glorious future.

Sex will make VR "happen"

Published on Oct 3, 2015

Virtual Reality is becoming more and more prominent, with several companies working to create headsets, games, features, and even its own award show! But will really take VR to the masses? Porn. And lots of it!

Kim Horcher discusses with special guest Anastasia Washington!